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Cry From the Cross


Folks, it’s been a tough time for Rod Dreher. After all, when you repeatedly scream the name of Viktor Orban during sex, your wife might in fact leave you. Except that of course Dreher hates no-fault divorce. It’s destroying America after all, as he has written many times. But hey, when you fall in love with Orban, everything changes. In a post actually titled “Tears from Golgotha” with an image of a man nailed to the cross, Dreher writes of his marital problems and impending divorce:

Please pray for us, and for our children. As I mentioned, this news came to me just before I left to spend Orthodox Holy Week in Jerusalem, worshiping and doing research for my next book. You can now understand why I have been posting so little since the weekend, and spending so much time this week praying at the actual hill of Golgotha, inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. It feels like to me that evil has won. I must believe — I must believe — that there will be resurrection.

I will continue posting close to normal, even thought it’s going to seem jarring to you, with me blogging about news events and cultural trends after disclosing this crisis. I ask you to withhold judgment. Remember that writing is how I deal with pain. When I travel, sometimes I meet people who tell me that they can’t understand how I write so much. This torment for my wife and me has been going on since 2013. Let the reader understand.

You will not be surprised to learn that I have turned off comments on this thread. I know there will be countless people who will be delighted to learn of my suffering. I can’t do anything about that, and besides, nothing they say can be worse than the fact of all this. All I can do is pray that they never have to endure what my wife and I have endured, and are enduring. Honest to God, I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

If there is a “holy resurrection” and Dreher is saved in it, I just prefer to go to Hell. Because he’s a rank hypocrite of the most disgusting type. He would absolutely wish this on his worst enemy–he’s advocated for that very thing his entire career! Yeah, marriages can be a disaster and people should be apart. Do you think this is going to change Dreher’s positions in any way? Do you think he will be any less of a theocratic fascist after this experience? Of course not. Like with Donald Trump or Newt Gingrich or any of the other hypocrites who talk about morality and then are the most disgusting possible people in their personal life, Dreher will learn nothing except that he needs to make more money to pay alimony.

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