Show me the party of life
One of the big mistakes people always make when fascism is in the process of trying to take over a country is to assume that these people can’t be serious. They can be, and they are:
A sweeping anti-abortion bill in Missouri seeks to make it illegal for pregnant people to abort ectopic pregnancies, among other restrictive measures.
The legislation, House Bill No. 2810, proposes that “the offense of trafficking abortion-inducing devices or drugs is a class A 11 felony if … The abortion was performed or induced or was attempted to be performed or induced on a woman who has an ectopic pregnancy.”
Rep. Brian Seitz, a Republican who introduced the bill, heard Wednesday, seeks to criminalize the production, sale, purchase or use of medical devices or drugs used for abortions. Anyone found guilty of the following would be guilty of a class B felony, which carries a prison sentence of five to 15 years.
The bill also could make anyone who assists with the abortion of an ectopic pregnancy by providing abortion medication guilty of a class A felony, which carries a potentially longer sentence. Those convicted of class A felonies face a minimum 10-year prison sentence, but could face a lifetime behind bars. The bill also stipulates the felony penalty will still apply if a woman is a victim of trafficking.
An ectopic pregnancy often occurs in a fallopian tube, where eggs are carried from the ovaries to the uterus, according to the Mayo Clinic. The medical nonprofit states that such pregnancies “can’t proceed normally” because “the fertilized egg can’t survive, and the growing tissue may cause life-threatening bleeding, if left untreated.”
Mayo Clinic adds that if a “fertilized egg continues to grow in the fallopian tube, it can cause the tube to rupture,” adding, “Heavy bleeding inside the abdomen is likely.”
About 1 in every 30,000 pregnancies are ectopic, Mayo Clinic states. However, extrauterine pregnancies occur more frequently in women receiving fertility treatments, at about every 1 in 100 pregnancies.
Dr. Colleen McNicholas, Chief Medical Officer for Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, slammed the proposed bill in a statement, per Newsweek.
“This is what it looks like when uneducated politicians try and legislate our bodies,” she said. “Ectopic pregnancies, if not treated promptly, become life-threatening. Banning any provision of care related to ectopic pregnancies will put people’s lives at risk.”
Earlier this month, Missouri also proposed a measure that would make it illegal for pregnant people to obtain an abortion outside of state lines
If 30% of the country is made up of authoritarian theocratic reactionaries, who are given massively outsized political power relative to their numbers because of The Wisdom of the Framers, you’ve got a big problem. When theocratic reactionary authoritarianism is sweeping the world, aided at the margin by purported leftists who hate liberal democracy and actually like reactionary authoritarianism a great deal, especially because it pays well in the short term, you have an even bigger problem.
A quick note on off topic posting:
I was asked by a long-time commenter to address this issue. I’m doing so after discussing it with several of the other front pagers.
(1) Different front pagers have different tolerance levels for off topic posting, but you should keep in mind that several are opposed to off topic posting, period. Please respect that policy in regard to their posts.
(2) I probably have the most tolerant policy on this of anyone other than Farley, but even so it’s a Balancing Test ™.
(a) Don’t go off topic early in a thread. If Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin just died, you can be pretty confident we’re aware of that and there will be a thread soon.
(b) The more off topic a comment is, the longer the thread has to be to justify the deviation. If the comment is vaguely related to the subject matter of the post, that’s different than deciding you want to talk about something completely different. OTOH if we’re 600 comments in and the thread is pretty much winding down than yeah sure post about whatever. Again, this is MY policy, not the policy of LGM is a whole, which is an anarcho-syndicalist collective. Please don’t generalize it to threads from FPers who don’t want off topic posting on their threads.
(3) We may soon institute a once or twice a week open thread.