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If you haven’t spotted the sucker the first time you fetch laundry for an anti-vaxx crackpot…


A particularly pathetic reminder that the Tonka Twuckers were above all remorseless grifters:

A protester who joined the so-called Freedom Convoy, which occupied downtown Ottawa for much of February, says he regrets taking part after he lost $13,000 and his home protesting something he never really “had a stance on.” “I regret going,” said Martin Joseph Anglehart, who spoke to CBC via Zoom from Hope, B.C. Anglehart said he has “nothing left” after spending his life savings on gas and food for the occupiers, who disrupted Ottawa’s downtown core for more than three weeks. “I started delivering fuel and picking up laundry. Everything for the truckers.”  From Jan. 28 to Feb. 14, bank statements provided to CBC show Anglehart transferred thousands of dollars and spent thousands more at a gas station near Coventry Road — where he was stationed for the majority of the protest. Anglehart is currently living out of his SUV, as he said his landlord kicked him out over his “point of view” concerning the protest. 

Anglehart admits he never had “a stance on mandates” but felt drawn to the movement after he was prevented from visiting a dying friend at a Montreal hospital in June 2020 because of COVID-19 restrictions.  After hearing about the convoy to Ottawa, he closed his web development business in January and left his home in Fort McKay, Alta.  “[We] merged with a convoy around Medicine Hat,” said Anglehart, “I thought that [it] was a cause that was bigger than me. And I thought … it was worth the effort to go.” 

Given that the core belief of truckers is that nobody should have to care about anyone else, these shakedowns were inevitable. And it’s hard to feel much sympathy for the griftees — these assholes came as advertised.

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