Home / General / I demand that the vertical censorship of the LGM podcast end immediately!

I demand that the vertical censorship of the LGM podcast end immediately!


One way to dress up obviously indefensible ideas is to invent new terms that don’t mean anything:

The idea that everyone who doesn’t have a $100 million licensing deal is being “censored” from any direction is too silly to be worth engaging with, as is the idea that people are obligated to associate with people and ideas they strongly disagree with. But again, 1)the actual argument being made here is that nobody should suffer any reputational or financial repercussions for being an influential part of a systematic anti-public-health campaign that is still killing large numbers of people on an ongoing basis, and 2)when the presumed audience for anti-vaxx campaigns was California granola moms rather than MAGA/MMA cementheads nobody thought that they were entitled to the platform of their choice.

Anyway, I would like to announce that if any non-Spotify platform wishes to end the disgraceful attacks on free speech and give the LGM podcast an exclusive $10 million licensing deal, I will reluctantly accept it even though it would still be $90 M worth of censorship. No serious offer refused! No anti-vaxx bullshit!

…I forgot to mention that the ShakeShack in question was written by the Mumford & Sons guy:

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