Plain view
Seems appropriate that as many of the nation’s most overcompensated pundits see no substantive political conflicts as we begin the year that will see the end of Roe v. Wade and the ability of the EPA to regulate carbon emissions because an unaccountable neoconfederate faction has taken control of the federal judiciary, and that same faction moves inexorably to end America’s relatively brief experiment in multiracial democracy, the Texas GOP just tweeted it out:
Are you allowed to point out that Republicans are 1)nihilists affirmatively seeking to prolong the deadliest pandemic in a century to undermine the Biden administration and 2)openly see making it harder for racial minorities to vote as an affirmative good when they just flat-out admit it? Well, the problem is that if elite media types have to choose between democratic norms and the norm that no matter what Both Sides Do It, we know how they’re likely to go.
…to paraphrase Ned Braden, you gotta hand it to the old bastards, they’re highly original:
I was told that right-wingers would one day learn how to do comedy.