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Howard Hesseman RIP


I don’t know what this portends for the Bengals chances this afternoon…

Hesseman found his most iconic role playing radio DJ Dr. Johnny Fever on the CBS sitcom “WKRP in Cincinnati.” Hesseman earned two Emmy nominations for his performance on the series, which ran from 1978 to 1982. Hesseman was also well-known for his starring role as Charlie Moore on ABC’s “Head of the Class” and his performance as Sam Royer on “One Day at a Time.” Hesseman joined the CBS sitcom as a main cast member for its ninth and final season.

As folks have been pointing out on twitter, WKRP captured some of the funniest moments in the history of televised comedy. It was an odd little show, based in the Midwest during a time when basing a series in the Midwest was the thing to do, and it had an absolute zero at its center (I will point a gun at your face and insist you tell me something else that Gary Sandy was in, and you will fail), and yet it managed to platform Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, Les Nessman, and Herb Tarlek. The Turkey episode is the one most people like to remember, but for my money the drinking episode (Fish Story) has the most memorable moments of the series.

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