Green Lanternism and Performative Unilateral Bipartisanship to kill Voting Rights Act

The inevitable shoe drop:
President Biden’s drive to push new voting rights protections through Congress hit a major obstacle on Thursday when Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat of Arizona, declared that she would not support undermining the Senate filibuster to enact new laws under any circumstances.
Pre-empting a presidential visit to the Capitol to meet privately with Democrats, Ms. Sinema took to the floor to say that while she backed two new voting rights measures and was alarmed about new voting restrictions in some states, she believed that a unilateral Democratic move to weaken the filibuster would only foster growing political division.
“These bills help treat the symptoms of the disease, but they do not fully address the disease itself,” Ms. Sinema said. “And while I continue to support these bills, I will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country.”
“We cannot pass voting rights legislation to protect against Republicans restricting the franchise because Republicans oppose it” is…well, Ron Johnson and Marsha Blackburn have never said anything more stupid than this.
And the hits just keep on coming:
Sinema says her leadership should've worked harder to build GOP support for voting rights.
"I wish there had been a more serious effort on the part of Democratic Party lines to sit down with the other party and genuinely discuss how to reforge common ground on these issues."— Alex Bolton (@alexanderbolton) January 13, 2022
This is so incredibly dumb she might even believe it.
The lesson, as always, is never to give a person who unrepentantly supported Ralph Nader’s ratfucking vanity campaign an important political job — the underlying concept of them, after all, was “both parties are equally bad so Republicans should win.”