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Urban Meyer is the Jimmy Lake of Bobby Petrinos


Last morning, Kevin Clark had an excellent analysis of Urban Meyer’s absolutely disastrous tenure as an NFL head coach. The tl; dr is that Meyer isn’t just a peonage ball coach massively unsuited to the show, but a superfecta of the worst traits of every failed NCAA coach:

All this was written before this story broke:

Then Lambo was approached by head coach Urban Meyer, who wasn’t calling Jaguars specialists by their names.

“It was ‘Kicker, Punter, Long snapper,’ ” Lambo said. “Or S–tbag, Dips–t or whatever the hell it was.”

The names didn’t bother Lambo, but what the former Florida Gators coach did next, Lambo said, were the actions of a mean-spirited bully.

“I’m in a lunge position. Left leg forward, right leg back,” Lambo said. “Urban Meyer, while I’m in that stretch position, comes up to me and says, ‘Hey Dips–t, make your f–king kicks!’ And kicks me in the leg.”


Of the kick, Lambo said, “It certainly wasn’t as hard as he could’ve done it (kicked), but it certainly wasn’t a love tap. Truthfully, I’d register it as a five (out of 10). Which in the workplace, I don’t care if it’s football or not, the boss can’t strike an employee. And for a second, I couldn’t believe it actually happened. Pardon my vulgarity, I said, ‘Don’t you ever f- king kick me again!’ And his response was, ‘I’m the head ball coach, I’ll kick you whenever the f–k I want.’ “

You couldn’t get away with treating players and coaches like this if you were coaching effectively, let alone when your team is a laughing stock (not least in your own team’s locker room.) Oh yeah, and right now the QBR of the generational talent he was hired to develop is currently nestled snugly between Sam Darnold and Jared Goff.

Needless to say, Meyer was shitcanned a few hours after the Lambo story broke. Didn’t even make it past the Petrino line. Particularly given that they just entirely wasted a quarter of Lawrence’s rookie contract, it’s one of the most disastrous hires in NFL history. As a Jacksonville poet once wrote, can’t you smell that smell?

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