LGM Film Club, Part 233: Judex
The only Georges Franju film I’d seen was Eyes without a Face, so I thought I’d check out his 1963 film Judex. A remake of one of his favorite films, a 1916 Louis Feuillade serial of the same name, this film is about an evil capitalist who gets his comeuppance from a mysterious figure who decides to take revenge on him for all his crimes. The first half of the film is pretty cool because the style is so awesome, as the above image suggests. The second half is a pretty mediocre crime film that gets kind of boring, in part because of the source material and because Franju can’t get away from telling the story in the way that Feuillade did. So overall, this is OK, but at least kind of fun. Whole thing is available here, but I think without subtitles. Smaller bits with titles are on YouTube.