Home / General / Donald Trump could have very easily and knowingly killed Joe Biden by giving him COVID and it’s not even a story

Donald Trump could have very easily and knowingly killed Joe Biden by giving him COVID and it’s not even a story


Because we’re in the darkest time line, nobody is really paying much attention to this:

(1) Per his chief of staff Mark Meadows, Donald Trump tested positive for COVID on September 26, 2020, immediately following the Rose Garden ceremony introducing COVID Amy as the newest Supreme Court justice. This was less than 72 hours before the debate with Joe Biden. The rules of the debate required each candidate to be tested at the debate site itself; Trump didn’t take this test, as he conveniently arrived too late to comply with this requirement. (The debate hosts then announced they were relying on what they called “the honor system,” which under the circumstances constituted an especially sick joke).

(2) Two days after the debate Trump tested positive again, and the day after that he was hospitalized.

(3) Good Christian gentleman that he is, Meadows also throws in a claim that Trump took another test between the first positive test and the debate that came back negative. This is probably a lie, but even if it happens to be true, it’s irrelevant to the fact that, even under the circumstances as Meadows describes them, Trump’s appearance on the same stage as the 77-year-old Biden — this was all pre-vaccine remember — was essentially an attempted homicide.

ETA: Even Meadows’ description of what was supposedly done after the positive test constitutes a coverup attempt:

(4) The day after he tested positive, Trump held an unmasked indoor press conference at the White House.

(5) If Trump had given Biden COVID and Biden had died (a 77-year-old who contracts COVID is one hundred and fifty times more likely to be killed by the virus than an infected 25-year-old is) Kamala Harris would have replaced him at the top of the ticket. Because we live in a totally not racist any more country after MLK said that one thing in that one speech, there’s a very high probability that Trump would have defeated his new opponent, after having more or less intentionally killed his old one.

(6) White House physician Sean Conley lied to the public about when Trump contracted COVID, thereby helping to endanger Biden’s life, and the lives of many other people as well. He should lose his medical license but he won’t, because of the Meritocracy.

Again, this isn’t much of a story, and Donald Trump remains at this moment the overwhelming favorite to win the Republican presidential nomination two and half years from now.

. . . commenter heckblazer reminds us that the day after testing positive Trump met with gold star families, and then afterwards blamed them for giving him COVID.

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