Campus PC is out of control, Cajun style
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry sent an anti-vaxx lickspittle to try to urge the LSU faculty to adopt anti-vaxx bullshit. A faculty member called out the lackey, and Landry responded by trying to get the faculty member fired to protect his anti-vaxx flunkie’s honor:
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry called on LSU to punish mass communication professor Bob Mann for insulting his assistant on Twitter following the LSU Faculty Senate’s Dec. 7 meeting.
Mann referred to Assistant Attorney General Lauryn Sudduth as Landry’s “flunkie,” following her appearance at the latest Faculty Senate Meeting.
“[Mann’s] disparaging remarks about this LSU alumna can not be without consequence,” Landry tweeted Wednesday. “I have spoken with President Tate and expressed my disdain and expectation for accountability.”
Here’s this authoritarian asshole asserting that COVID-19 is “not a vaccine preventable disease,” which I assume was the same message his bootlick brought to LSU:
Meet the next governor from the state of Louisiana! And if you teach at LSU you might want to be looking at the job market.