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Forbidden mangoes


Edroso has been given an EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PREVIEW of the forbidden courses being proposed by Bari U:

I Know You’re Racist But What Am I?
Bo Snerdley

Counter any woke cancel culture snowflake’s claims of racism with this verbal jiu-jitsu (if it isn’t politically incorrect to call it that!) taught by former Rush Limbaugh associate Bo Snerdley. We start with all-occasion conversation stoppers like “Did you know in the Civil War the Democrats were for slavery,” move on to logic trees that translate any complaint about the behavior of white people toward black people into reverse racism, memorize 50 different punchlines for “while not technically ‘critical race theory,’ the book these teachers were fired for assigning was nonetheless [fill in the blank].” If all else fails, you can always tell wokesters that you took this class from a black person, which makes them the Real Racist.  

School Board Meeting Energy Flow Redirection Techniques
Christopher Rufo

Rufo has taught hundreds of operatives, most with no rhetorical training at all, how to take a calm discussion of stationery budgets and snow day management and turn it into a lively encounter group that gets principals fired, non-politically-motivated board members to resign in fear and disgust, and Republicans elected. Among Rufo’s counterintuitive methods: Instead of pretending to speak extemporaneously, make clear you’re reading off index cards, and when challenged say your accuser is an elitist who learned “fancy talk” at Harvard. Learn hi-signs that signal to police officers summoned to a disorderly meeting that you’re not the problem. Also: death threat scripts that get results.

Masculinity workshop
Senator Josh Hawley

The Manly Man from Missouri does more than just alert Americans to the leftist threat against manhood — in this class he also makes men so butch no leftist can turn them. Don’t worry, it’s not “Fight Club” — unless you mean intellectually! Hawley equips you with verbal manhood skills, such as pointing out the insufficient masculinity of one’s enemies and praising the rough-hewn strength of Donald Trump. Hawley will also share his personal hair care, nail care and moisturizer regimen for maximum muscularity. Bonus: Senator Ted Cruz stops by to discuss his makeover. Final lecture: “Empathy is Low-T.”

I’m holding out for “How to Get Sinecures at Major Research Universities While Fighting to Make Donald Trump Dictator For Life” by John Eastman.

Almost as funny is what’s really going among the grifters:

As the news of the project broke, one member of the advisory board, E. Gordon Gee, president of West Virginia University, sent out a letter to his campus community, seeking to explain his involvement.

I have always stated that we need to improve quality while reducing costs, and that we must always be a place of free expression and dialogue,” he wrote.

Resident tuition for OSU rose 150% in real dollars between Gee’s first and last tenures as president. True story!

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