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Sam Alito and Sarah Palin’s First Amendment

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD – FEBRUARY 26: Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin addresses the 42nd annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) February 26, 2015 in National Harbor, Maryland. Conservative activists attended the annual political conference to discuss their agenda. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Alito’s instinct that allowing his speech to be scrutinized was not in his interest was certainly not wrong:

Just as striking as all of the lying and dissembling is the thinly aggrieved tone in which the speech was delivered. As Paul observed in comments:

These people are so pompous and thin-skinned. A guy like Alito wouldn’t survive for thirty seconds in a debate between equals, which is why being a federal judge is the ideal job for him, assuming Pope or Emperor isn’t currently available.

What Alito’s speech reminded me above all else is the guy who desperately tried to get fired before resigning (just like his idol/patron Bari Wiess) and then complained bitterly that his resignation wasn’t considered national news. Free speech and academic freedom give you the right to say things, but don’t give you the right to have what you say treated with respect. When you blah-blah-blah about “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” free speech means I’m allowed to say that these arguments weren’t interesting the first 10,000 times I heard them either. And while the ill-gotten majority of the Supreme Court has the authority to nullify popular precedents with massive reliance interests with unreasoned opinions as a matter of raw power, it doesn’t (yet) have the right to stop reporters from telling the truth about what they’re doing. A man in Alito’s position apparently can’t afford to accept that.

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