Texas runs out of horse deworming medicine because a lot of people would rather poison themselves than admit they were wrong

More than a dozen stores in the Dallas/Fort Worth area said they have sold out of the animal medication, with some not knowing when they will receive new shipments. Others said they receive multiple calls each day from people looking for the drug, which comes in paste and injectable forms.
At Walden Farm and Ranch Supply in Weatherford, just west of Fort Worth, ivermectin has been in short supply the last month.
Employee Maggi Lindee said she tries not to ask too many questions but recently approached a customer purchasing injectable ivermectin.
“I said, ‘You’re not going to inject that into yourself, are you?’ ” Lindee said.
The customer laughed and said no. “I just shoot it into my coffee,” the customer added.
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” Meredith said. “Even through swine flu and all that, nothing like this.”
“Some of the most common effects that you can see… are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,” said Liz Petty at the North Texas Poison Center.
The North Texas Poison Center reports they’ve received 52 poisoning calls for ivermectin this year, compared to six through August of last year.
The numbers are increasing, too. Sixteen of the 52 calls this year have been in August.
In August of 2020, Texas received two reports about ivermectin poisoning statewide. This August, they’ve received 55.
Last year, the state received 23 ivermectin reports from January through August. This year, there have been 150, an increase of 552%.
Petty believes it’s likely underreported because it’s self-reported.
“It’s sometimes a little difficult for us from the poison center to really grasp, you know why people are using things outside of their intended use,” she said. “It definitely could potentially spiral out of control if the misinformation still continues to circulate out in the public.”
I have to admit my brain does this whole “does not compute” thing whenever I try to really grasp the essence of this story.
People are literally poisoning themselves rather than admit that maybe they were wrong about COVID being no big deal and vaccines being bad, given that the so-called “pandemic” was obviously all part of Big Government’s plan to use Jewish space lasers to force you into a gay polygamous marriage officiated by someone pretending to be Tom Landry in drag. I mean connect the dots sheeple.
In other words, their pride in never being wrong is killing these people.
Pride only hurts; it never helps.