The Most Shameless Plug
As I have said before, the place where I began my art career has changed its format a couple of times. With each change, my art has lost visibility.
I’ve never made much money from my art, but adulation used to sustain me. Faves and Likes were enough. But with new algorithms f’ing me sideways even that has dwindled away to almost nothing. I have been on and in magazines, I have…yada, yada, yada…meat space gallery showing…but none of that has translated into any sort of meaningful recognition and I sure as Hell haven’t made any money. Passion for my craft is not enough now. Making art solely for myself is taking its toll on both my body and psyche.
So if you like my art, please stop by my official gallery, or my shop on RedBubble.
And if you REALLY like my art, please consider supporting me on Patreon.