Home / General / If a man who lurked below 8% in the polls doesn’t win the Democratic primary for mayor of NYC it is further proof The INSTITUTIONAL LEFT is inherently unjust, tyrannical and rotted and some other bad things.

If a man who lurked below 8% in the polls doesn’t win the Democratic primary for mayor of NYC it is further proof The INSTITUTIONAL LEFT is inherently unjust, tyrannical and rotted and some other bad things.

Small plastic clown figurine with inflatable dog

What do you think? More or less asinine than the original?

Actually it is two people, so there’s his corroboration, and call me a member of the institutional left, but I notice when people rush about shouting It’s just X number of accusations! they never do answer a few basic questions like 1. How many accusations would be sufficient to take seriously? 2. What kind of evidence should assault victims produce before anyone takes them seriously? And in Greenwald’s case, do you ever, like, listen to yourself?

Apparently not.

Not that I would blame him if he doesn’t. I sure as fuck wouldn’t. However, to understand the badness of the faith on display in this attempt to get people to visit his Substack Treehouse, you have to look at the numbers.

December 16-17, 2020 – 5%
March 4-6 – 6%
May 15-19 – 7% (after Kim’s allegations had been in the news cycle).
June 14 – 7%
June 22 – Voting Happens
Early primary results – 5%.

Unless all of the people who would have voted for Stringer were also victims if The Institutional Left (Special Assassins Guild Division), I’m not seeing any chances to be mayor to be destroyed. But then, I’m not a Substack Self-Exile or frequent guest on Tucker Carlson’s White Power Hour.

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