Burn in Hell
Hey, Foster Friess is dead. One of the biggest scumbags of recent decades, few did more to bring fascism to the United States than this billionaire wannabe cowboy from Wisconsin turned Wyoming Big Hat Guy who was more invested in people seeing him as the savior of right-wing values than in anything else. Friess was the biggest figure behind funding Turning Point USA and the Daily Howler with Tucker Carlson. He is also the guy who famously said this:
Later that month Mr. Friess made headlines when, on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell asked him whether Mr. Santorum’s statements on “the dangers of contraception” would hurt his campaign.
“Back in my days,” Mr. Friess said, “they used Bayer aspirin for contraception. The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn’t that costly.”
Oh, OK.
There’s also this anecdote. It’s hard for me to think of a more contemptible way to give out charity than this:
His 70th birthday party in 2010 in Jackson Hole, Wyo., where he lived much of the year, was the stuff of legend. The website wyofile.com described it.
“In the invitations to the party, Friess, a born-again Christian, had asked the guests to identify their favorite charity that reflected the values of his favorite quote from Galatians: ‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ,’” it wrote in 2011. “He vowed to give $70,000 to the most worthy nominee.”
When the time came to announce the winner, the servers at the Four Seasons Resort, where the party was being held, distributed envelopes to the guests.
“Friess asked the lucky winner to stand up and shout, and for the other guests to remain seated,” the account continued. “Then he sat back and waited for the mayhem.”
As people opened the envelopes, someone at every table stood and shouted, “I won!” He had funded every request, at a cost of $7.7 million.
Christ, what an asshole.
And in case you think he didn’t play up the fake cowboy bullshit hard enough, just check out his own website.
Saddle Up!