Time to set the “Days Since National Review Published Article Explicitly Calling For the Intentional Disenfranchisement of Voters” meter back to zero

The lines of communication between the luminaries at America’s premier journal of vote suppression since 1957 appear to be crossed. On the one hand, you have the Respectable Republican Elite assertions that the restrictions that Georgia Republicans placed on the vote at the behest of Donald Trump don’t actually restrict the vote at all, Scout’s honor, I have a study from a professor at Trump University to prove it. But, this being the National Review, they can hardly be expected to keep up the pretense for even a couple of weeks, so here’s Kevin Williamson’s latest entry, “we should have fewer but ‘better’ voters if you know what I mean and I know you do, and what I mean is whiter and older and more rural”:
Give them a D for effort. pic.twitter.com/wvtxo2CcIp— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) April 7, 2021
Also coming out at the NRO explicitly for disenfranchising voters who aren’t “good enough” is, er, Crazy Andy McCarthy:
What’s important about this paragraph is that it was written by Andrew McCarthy, a man who—according to his own writing—was not smart enough to decipher where Barack Obama was born. https://t.co/XnqZl0ghrf pic.twitter.com/Mk27DjBrIb— Isaac Chotiner (@IChotiner) April 6, 2021
Bill Buckley must be pleased that his spirit lives on.