Who cares if problems addressed by the ARPA were the direct result of the pandemic?

A key Republican talking point is that the American Rescue plan isn’t focused enough on the pandemic. Often these claims are silly, as if vaccinations are the only resources the recession caused by the pandemic requires. But even in cases where it’s true, my question is who gives a shit?
New York Times: “Democrats snuck a pension bailout for truckers into the ARP.”
Joe Biden, wearing a trucker hat and drinking a bottle of Buckler: “And?”— Jordan Weissmann 🗽 (@JHWeissmann) March 8, 2021
“In this Michigan diner, everyone tells me that they like the idea of their companies staying in business and retiring in comfort at a decent age, but only if the money to save their pensions comes in a stand-alone bill.”
Just focus on helping voters. None of them care about any of the formal or procedural stuff.
…as Steve G observes in comments, the complaint is particularly dumb given a set of legislative rules that give you one or two chances to pass major legislation reflecting your party’s agenda a year.