Punching down, for fascism

A young intern got her first byline, filing an innocuous straight-news story with two other writers showing that the 1/6 seditionists have been able to use unconventional means to raise money for their defense. Glenn Greenwald — who has long believed that violent white supremacists are the one group in American society entitled to victim status — just about shit in his pants, and more to the point sent his hordes of alt-right flying monkeys against her:
Imagine if Greenwald showed even a fraction of the interpretive charity toward young, relatively powerless female journalists that he shows toward, say, powerful ultra-reactionary bullshit artists like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz? (By the way, has that robust suite of anti-Wall Street measures been proposed by Cruz yet? I seem to have miss it while Ted Does half-Nazi salutes at the border.)
Having said that, he might be willing to dish it out, but never let it be said that he can’t take it. Imagine having to withstand this kind of withering criticism and taking it in good humor:
There are few things I value more than critics who really attempt to engage with what I actually said, such as this video titled Why I Love Glenn Greenwald pic.twitter.com/1nY3WC09g2— lvl 46 dog-faced pony potus (@thetomzone) March 28, 2021
I think you can see why he’s so palpably devastated by Daddy Trump losing.