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The Christian Life


Here’s the letter that members of Adam Kinzinger’s family sent to him, disowning him for joining the “devil’s army” by voting to impeach Donald Trump, genuine Man of God (just like King David dontcha know).

The level of delusional thinking here is rather difficult to grasp, at least for me. Consider:

(1) The belief that Donald Trump is a Christian.

(2) The belief that Joe Biden et. al. are socialists.

(3) The belief that people like Franklin Graham are reliable sources of information about Donald Trump’s spiritual condition.

Here’s my personal favorite sentence, though it’s hard to pick just one:

You should be very proud that you have lost the respect of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Greg Kelly, etc., and most importantly in our book, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh and us!

Just where do these people get their deranged ideas about the world? It is truly a deep and abiding mystery.

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