Home / General / CPAC convention dedicated to fighting Cancel Culture cancels speaker for being Politically Incorrect

CPAC convention dedicated to fighting Cancel Culture cancels speaker for being Politically Incorrect


The Deep State, it is everywhere:

Leading Republican officials are set to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week along with a virulently anti-Semitic speaker named Young Pharaoh. 

Young Pharaoh is an online commentator who has told followers that Judaism is a “complete lie” and “made up for political gain,” said that Jewish people are “thieving fake Jews,” tweeted that “all the censorship & pedophilia on social media is being done by Israeli Jews,” and claimed that “all of these big tech [companies], media, & social media platforms are controlled by CCP & Israel through Jewish CEO & corrupt Democrats.” Young Pharaoh has also attacked conservative commentator Ben Shapiro for being Jewish. He’s additionally promoted the QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theories and falsely claimed that coronavirus vaccines will “alter your DNA.” 

The American Conservative Union and ACU Chair Matt Schlapp run CPAC, which is scheduled for February 25-28 in Orlando, Florida. On its website, CPAC describes itself as “the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world. Launched in 1974, CPAC brings together hundreds of conservative organizations, thousands of activists, millions of viewers and the best and brightest leaders in the world.” This year’s speakers include former President Donald Trump, Govs. Ron DeSantis (FL) and Kristi Noem (SD), and numerous other leading Republicans. 

According to its schedule, CPAC is hosting Young Pharaoh during a Sunday session called “Please Check the Number and Dial Again: Doubt, Dysfunction, and the Price of Missed Opportunities.” CPAC states on its website that Young Pharaoh is a “Philosopher, Scholar, Musician” and links to his Twitter account. CPAC also links to youngpharaoh.net — that site redirects to “Pharaoh Aten University,” which features Young Pharaoh’s videos spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines and the “new world order.”

Young Pharaoh has posted numerous anti-Semitic tweets. He’s also frequently promoted dangerous conspiracy theories. Here is a sampling of the tweets on his CPAC-promoted account.

Feel free to get out of the boat, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it.

(Note these are the depths to which Trump’s Republican party apparatchiks increasingly have to sink to find themselves a Black Trump supporter).

And of course the punch line:

Update (2/22/21): CPAC has cancelled Young Pharaoh’s scheduled appearance following the publication of this article. Young Pharaoh’s information has also been removed from CPAC’s website. The theme of this year’s gathering is “American Uncanceled.” 

There’s a non-snarky point here, which is that NO ONE is actually opposed to the “censorship” [sic]* of controversial views. It’s just a question of which views are considered beyond the pale in any particular context.

*The word “censorship” should ideally be limited to the government using either the threat or the exercise of state violence to suppress speech, as opposed to its present meaning in American culture, which is that people, and specifically reactionaries, should be able to say anything without suffering any consequences of any kind.

. . . this thread is priceless:

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