The Republican Party Will Surely Repudiate Donald Trump Now

While veteran lawmakers were flatly urging a separation, more than 100 House Republicans, unpersuaded by the chaos in the Capitol, continued with their effort to block Congress from certifying President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory. Some adopted conspiracy theories from right-wing news outlets and social media that it was left-wing saboteurs carrying out a false flag operation who ravaged the halls of Congress.
By Thursday morning, Mr. Trump was greeted with applause when he dialed into a breakfast at the winter meeting of the Republican National Committee, most of whose members have become a reflection of the party’s pro-Trump activist wing during his tenure. On Friday, the committee was set to re-elect Mr. Trump’s handpicked committee chair with no opposition.
There’s zero reason to believe the Republican Party will learn anything from this except perhaps to nominate a less lazy and stupid fascist next time.