Why white supremacists love DJT explained in 60 seconds

Beneath the toilet seat cover-thin skin of every person who admires this man – including himself – lies a toxic pile of raging insecurity and rage.
Normal people see this sad ego-fluffing video that likely burned through a few million bucks complete with the pathetic attempt to claim a Nobel Prize and laugh, or perhaps cringe. Or both.
His admirers see it and their love deepens because convincing themselves and everyone else that they won – or should have won, same thing because deep state liberal antifas – something they did not win is exactly the sort of thing they would do. Especially because if a Blah could win it then a real smart genius guy like DJT should have won a dozen.
Any POC who has ever had some grudgy asshole tell them that their college admission/job offer/promotion was only because of affirmative action knows how that goes.
The snowflake egos of the white supremacist party won’t allow for any other version of the world except one in which they are always the prettiest and the bestest. So while they might not claim they won a Nobel, baseless bragging, resumes that are more fantasy than fact and expertise via Wikipedia are the norm.
It sure is surprising that a group of people who believe they know it all because of their genetically superior brains are so attractive to slightly more energetic fellow travelers who rip them off and get them to ask for more.
And when reality refuses to support their version of events? Well, that’s where the rage against the deep state liberal antifas comes in handy. If white supremacists had a battle cry it would be long, drawn out whine such as may be heard anywhere two or more dud-bros gather to complain about how mean and nasty the whole world is to them.
As an aside, if you want to picture trump’s future, imagine hundreds of increasingly dramatic and desperate and reality-divorced videos, being released on social media platforms, forever.
And scams. Can’t forget the scams.