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epa08385061 A handout photo made available by the US Navy shows Lt. j.g. Natasha McClinton, an operating room (OR) nurse, preparing a patient for a procedure in the intensive care unit (ICU) aboard the US hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) in New York, New York, USA, 23 April 2020 (issued 26 April 2020), during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Comfort, which cares for critical and non critical patients without regard to their COVID-19 status, is working with Javits New York Medical Station as an integrated system to relieve the New York City medical system. EPA/US NAVY/MC2 SARA ESHLEMAN HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

Again, while Donald Trump and the like are utter disasters in terms of leading the nation through the pandemic, the actual choices of Americans demonstrate that the rot and personal irresponsibility goes far deeper than just a few elected officials (not to mention of course that the argument that the problem just Trump is a whole lot harder after more people voted for him in 2020 than 2016 after watching this unfold).

Ashley Lewis, 36, has traveled to Mexico three times since March.

“I felt more safe there than I would at a Target or market in Los Angeles,” Lewis told ABC News. “The resorts were secluded, they weren’t selling the hotels to 100 percent capacity, and everyone was wearing masks and abiding by the rules. So much in those areas are dependent on tourism, and you could tell they were working incredibly hard to make the guests feel safe.”

Lewis says she is trying to take advantage of being able to work from anywhere – also traveling to Hawaii, Turks and Caicos, and Las Vegas during the pandemic.

“When I come home from a trip I quarantine in my home for a week or week and a half,” Lewis explained. “Then I go get that test and that’s for peace of mind that I can see my family without the fear of being an asymptomatic spreader.”

She said the CDC’s travel advisory wouldn’t deter her from flying to Mexico a fourth time in January.

“I feel like I take all the necessary precautions and am smart about the type of things that I do,” Lewis said. “You wouldn’t find me close to a nightclub or anything like that, and so I feel like from what I’ve seen on my trips to Mexico I don’t believe that I’m at any more of a heightened risk.”

Sure, OK. Maybe get your tongue pierced and then go back to work in the hospital too.

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