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Republicans hate America


The official position of the Republican party, as put forward by Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, is that Joe Biden and the Democrats stole the election:

On Tuesday night, Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), told FOX News commentator Sean Hannity that she has 234 pages containing 500 sworn affidavits alleging 11,000 incidents of various types of voter fraud.

Briefly listing the allegations on Hannity’s show, McDaniel said that a person in Wayne County, Michigan alleged that 60 percent of a batch of voter ballots had the same signature on them, that another affidavit claimed to have seen 35 ballots counted despite not being cast by registered voters, that 50 ballots were counted multiple times in a tabulation machine elsewhere, that one woman’s dead son somehow voted in one election and that Democrats handed out documents on how to distract Republican vote challengers.

“It’s been rigged from the beginning,” McDaniel told Hannity, “rigged from the laws that were being passed in the name of COVID to create a porous election, rigged in the sense that they kicked Republicans out of poll watching and observing… and now you have a media that’s rigging it again by saying we’re not going to even listen to these stories.”

The remarkable thing is, that after a week of desperate flailing about, the Republicans haven’t actually been able to come up with a single incident of actual voter fraud, in an election in which 155,000,000 votes were cast.

Here’s a typical example of McDaniel’s “evidence:”

Heath has a good rundown here (h/t sk7326)

Instead what they have are brazen lies (“they kicked people out of poll watching and observing because they were Republicans”), and completely unsubstantiated charges (Ronna McDaniel: “I have here a list of eleventymillion people who say they definitely saw something bad.” Someone who may have been born yesterday but not in the evening: “Do any of your lawsuits even allege any actual incidents of actual voter fraud?” McDaniel: “No, but give us some more time to fabricate find some”).

They literally have nothing. Remember when Kris Kobach was charged with Donald Trump with the task of coming up with a shred of evidence for Trump’s wild lies about how “millions” of fraudulent votes were cast against him in 2016, and he came up with nothing? Not with “a totally half-assed set of poorly supported partisan conclusions that would convince nobody who needed convincing.” But literally nothing.

The irony here is that the Republican party has now morphed into a parody of the most brain-damaged paranoid leftist America-hater you could possibly imagine: The kind of person who makes unhinged claims about how American elections are all simply “rigged” ahead of time by “the big corporations,” “the media,” etc etc.

This is horseshoe theory with a vengeance, but what nobody wants to admit is that the two ends of the horseshoe consist of a street person who should be institutionalized, and the chair of the Republican National Committee (who is Mitt Romney’s niece and George Romney’s granddaughter no less. Republican royalty!), and who is merely parroting what the Leader has decreed shall be the Party Line.

It’s not OK to be a Republican.

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