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Never forget what they tried to do


As Trump’s “legal” strategy for stealing the election gets even more farcical — yeah, I’m sure filing your sub-frivolous voter fraud claim in the, er, U.S. Court of Federal Claims instead of a court that has at least theoretical jurisdiction will solve everything — I made a comparison to Lionel Hutz. I must, however, issue a correction, as this was unfair to Mr. Hutz:

You get the legal representation you’re ultimately going to refuse to pay for you deserve, apparently.

None of this bullshit ever had much chance of making Donald Trump a two-term president, but we still shouldn’t forget what these white-shoe lawyers tried to pull off:

Though many of its claims have already been presented and litigated in courts across the state — many which ruled against the president’s campaign — the new 86-page filing presented GOP lawyers’ most comprehensive case yet in attempting to undermine public confidence in Pennsylvania’s election results.

“The very officials charged with ensuring the integrity of the election in Pennsylvania have so mismanaged the election process that no one — not the voters and not President Trump’s campaign — can have any faith that their most basic rights under the U.S. Constitution are being protected,” wrote attorneys Ronald L. Hicks Jr. and Carolyn B. McGee, of Pittsburgh, and Linda Kerns, of Philadelphia. “Nothing less than the integrity of the 2020 presidential is at stake in this action.”

Not only does nobody have the “right” to file merit-free lawsuits intended to dismantle American democracy, lawyers in fact have an affirmative ethical obligation not to file suits like this. Hicks, McGee, and Kerns are no less a disgrace to their profession because their tactics will merely help to inflame the Republican base and de-legitimize the election rather than flipping the outcome.

And make no mistake — had this election been a little closer and come down to a narrow margin in Pennsylvania, this election absolutely would have been stolen. If nobody pays a price for pushing the envelope this time it’s more likely to happen when they have a more viable opportunity.

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