Late night election update thread
Georgia: Trump’s lead is down to less than 1,800 votes, with about 12,000 votes still to come, mainly from Clayton and Gwinett counties. Biden is almost certain to take the lead now, although his margin of victory will be small enough to trigger an automatic recount. [Thanks to commenter Gepap for pointing out that Georgia doesn’t have automatic recounts. A candidate may request one of the final margin is under 0.5%, which it will be here, so whether the Trump campaign challenges the vote will turn on whether the checks are still clearing a few days from now]. But since recounts rarely move more than a few hundred votes, I think he’s got this.
Pennsylvania: The big one. Trump’s lead is down to 22,000 votes (it was 750,000 votes early Wednesday morning). Information is all over the place about how many votes are actually left, with the low estimate being around 175,000 including 57,000 from Philadelphia, which should break for Biden by about a 9 to 1 ratio. Biden is going to win this by several tens of thousands of votes, possibly by 100,000 or more depending on how many votes are still out there.
Arizona: Biden’s lead is down to 46,000 votes, and it’s possible that Trump may catch him, although that still looks pretty unlikely. Assuming Pennsylvania and Georgia put the election completely out of ratfuck range I would actually get a big laugh from Trump winning Arizona, after FOX called it for Biden on Tuesday night. This was a huge call in terms of dampening GOP enthusiasm to go to the mattresses, as it made it seem that PA and GA wouldn’t matter, given that Michigan and Wisconsin went to Biden early Wednesday.
Nevada: They apparently aren’t even going to bother to count any more votes until this weekend for some mysterious reason, but this state is going to Biden, as almost all the outstanding votes are from Clark County (Las Vegas).
North Carolina: They aren’t releasing any more voting numbers until Tuesday. Biden has a small but real chance of pulling it out. The Senate race seems pretty much over but who knows.
Anyway I expect the networks to call the presidential race sometime tomorrow, probably in the late morning or early afternoon, after the Philadelphia numbers come in (apparently the automatic vote counter broke down and they’re doing it by hand).
Watching Trump bleed out over the last 48 hours has almost made the agony of Tuesday night worth it, and of course tomorrow is going to be one of the greatest days in American history.