Atlas Shrugged

COVID-19 cases are up 114% and deaths up 144% in Michigan over the last 2 weeks. Gretchen Witmer has responded with some desperately necessary restrictions to protect the health of the residents of her state. The person in charge of federal COVID response has some thoughts:
This is so irresponsible. But I don’t know why we would expect any better from the Trump team at this point.— Sam Bagenstos (@sbagen) November 16, 2020
What’s terrifying about this is that the election is over; Atlas is just a complete sociopath. It’s time to shut down the Hoover Institution until we can figure out what the hell is going on and nuke it from orbit just to be sure.
And of course there’s a crucial reason why the Party of Calhoun is fine with mass death and suffering:
The pandemic continues to take a disproportionate toll on Americans of color, who have been hospitalized at rates roughly four times higher than non-Hispanic whites since the start of the epidemic.
Hispanic or Latino people have been hospitalized at the highest rate, 4.2 times the rate of whites, with non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native people hospitalized at 4.1 times the rate of whites and Blacks at 3.9 times the rate of whites, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The figures were tabulated through the week ending Nov. 7.
The higher hospitalization rates have been linked to higher positivity rates, as nonwhite Americans are more likely to be essential workers with jobs in the food service industry or home health care, which cannot be carried out remotely and require interacting with the public. These jobs often don’t provide health insurance or paid time off, benefits that enable workers to stay home when sick.
I can’t believe we have more than two months with the worst people in the world in charge.
As of Friday, 85% of the adult ICU beds in Michigan were in use. Hospitalization and ICU admissions lag well behind new cases, which are out of control in Michigan, doubling every two weeks.
And you're encouraging, what? An insurrection?
You are trying to get people killed.— Max Kennerly (@MaxKennerly) November 16, 2020