Persons with delicate constitutions may wish to look away
The Intercept has an article about the resignation of Glenn Greenwald. It starts off like this does not end with best wishes for his new endeavor:
Glenn Greenwald’s decision to resign from The Intercept stems from a fundamental disagreement over the role of editors in the production of journalism and the nature of censorship. Glenn demands the absolute right to determine what he will publish. He believes that anyone who disagrees with him is corrupt, and anyone who presumes to edit his words is a censor. Thus, the preposterous charge that The Intercept’s editors and reporters, with the lone, noble exception of Glenn Greenwald, have betrayed our mission to engage in fearless investigative journalism because we have been seduced by the lure of a Joe Biden presidency. A brief glance at the stories The Intercept has published on Biden will suffice to refute those claims.
On the one hand it is always great to see people tell him to fuck off. On the other, I think this was 100% predictable and wonder why The Intercept kept him around. The man is an insufferable ass who should serve as a dreadful warning for anyone who wants to become a lawyer or a journalist. I can’t imagine it would be any fun to work with him unless you’re one of those gross little grovelers that bullies attract. So why did the bold, fearless truth-tellers at The Intercept let him jump when he should have been kicked?