Why Was Michael Reinoehl Killed?

Michael Reinoehl is the guy who killed the fascist in Portland last week. He admitted it and said he was scared the cops would kill him. Well, now the cops have killed him.
I am extremely anti-conspiracy theory. But it’s not a conspiracy theory at this point in time to wonder if the cops simply murdered him. The police is shot through with fascists from stem to stern. They were openly working with the fascists in Portland, as they were in Kenosha which led to dead protestors.
To quote the historian Manisha Sinha, hardly a conspiracy theorist herself.
Whether you disagree with Michael Reinoehl’s tactics, he deserved to be arrested and tried in court, not killed by a motley of federal law enforcement. This seems like a hit job, an extra judicial killing ordered by Trumpsters. When you get rid of the rule of law, you get fascism https://t.co/hAqstbGCxx
— Manisha Sinha (@ProfMSinha) September 4, 2020
These are very dark times indeed.