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Trump proudly turns over a ten high to Roy Cooper’s full house


Donald Trump’s bluff to move the convention from North Carolina to a state where the governor was a nihilistic asshole who wouldn’t implement any policies to control the pandemic had a…rather obvious flaw, and he’s now crawling back to the Tarheel state while giving up on most of the convention altogether:

President Trump made a surprise announcement Thursday that he has canceled the Republican national convention scheduled for next month in Jacksonville, Fla., saying he wanted to keep his supporters safe from the coronavirus pandemic and protesters.

Trump, who delivered the news at the beginning of a coronavirus news briefing, said he was presented with plans for the nominating convention in the afternoon, but told his staff it wasn’t the right time to hold the event.

“But I looked at my team and I said the timing for this event is not right, just not right with what’s happened recently. The flare-up in Florida to have a big convention is not the right time,” Trump said. “It’s really something that for me, I have to protect the American people. That’s what I’ve always done. That’s what I always will do. That’s what I’m about.” [LOL-ed]

Trump said the formal nominating process scheduled to take place in Charlotte will proceed, but the large convention with all its pomp and circumstance planned for Jacksonville is canceled.

How Trump and DeSantis expect schools to be able to operate in this context is unclear, but they’ve never exactly been long-term strategic thinkers. The other takeaway here is that is seems as if Trump’s internal numbers in Florida are as bad as his external ones.

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