Outside in the cold distance a wildcat did growl

I’ve been making fun of ridiculously premature claims that Ron DeSantis was owed a huge apology — reflexive contrarianism never ends well, people — but that doesn’t mean it’s only states governed by mini-Trumps acting in a grossly irresponsible manner:
"I'm so sorry, sir. We did everything we could for your wife, but ultimately, people just got…antsy."— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) June 13, 2020
This is going to mean that the economic devastation was pretty much for nothing, and there is just going to be a new round of lockdowns (at least in states not governed by the death cult party) when there are big spikes anyway, whee!
Given the increasingly overwhelming evidence that masks work and the awful, eleven-dimensional-chess messages most western public health officials sent about it as the crisis began, this is also an important point:
About 20,000 Americans become infected with COVID-19 each day and another 1,000 die. Those numbers would likely fall fast and far if Trump simply wore a mask in public and told others to do the same. He refuses. For some reason this isn't a political scandal.— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) June 13, 2020