Matt Gaetz

Ok then.
Gaetz grew up in a house that was used in The Truman Show, a film about a man who is always on television. As of 2018, his parents still live in that house, in Seaside, Florida. A sign on their white picket fence says “THE TRUMAN HOUSE”.[132]
Can’t decide if this whole thing is more sub-David Lynch or sub-Coen brothers.
. . . Here’s Gaetz in his parents’ living room (in the house from the Truman show) in December of 2017, explaining why he was the sole no vote in Congress against a human trafficking bill. He identifies Nestor as his “helper.”
Note that the MOST BENIGN explanation here is that Gaetz has a secret non-white son who he acknowledged to the world only when it was convenient to OWN THE LIBZ. I’m sure this all makes Nestor feel very special:
Oh for crissakes:
So he was “dating the sister” of the teenage boy who he decided to adopt after the boy “lost his mother.” That’s the cleaned up version!
And now: