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Epic Fail


In the coming months LowFlow Donald will humiliate a number of people who deserve it.

Secure in the knowledge that he’s perfect, he’s going step up the pace of ditching all the losers who mysteriously keep winding up working for him despite the fact that he only hires the best people. I think this will eventually include Mike Pence, but Brad Parscale wins the prize for lackey most likely to be looking for a new job before a new grift by the end of the week.

Parscale has committed an unforgivable crime. No, not looking like a puppet that escaped from the set of The Labyrinth and developed a meth habit.

He promised but failed to deliver hordes of adoring fans to his master upon his first return to the rallysphere.

Five days ago he claimed a quarter of Oklahoma’s population had requested a ticket. A claim that prompted the campaign to build an outdoor venue so Derp Furher could toss another word salad at the overflow hordes. Today he blamed invisible vampire antifas for the fact the outdoor speech was cancelled due to lack of interest and the indoor venue was half full.

Let’s look at more of the wind up and let down and laugh, shall we?

June 15.

Over 1M ticket requests for the @realDonaldTrump

#MAGA Rally in Tulsa on Saturday.

Before entering each guest will get:
Temperature check
Hand sanitizer

There will be precautions for the heat and bottled water as well.

As an aside, I think exactly none of the promised precautions happened. When Parscale saw how far off the numbers were he probably sold all that stuff.

June 19.

The outdoor stage for @realDonaldTrump’s Rally in Tulsa being built.

This will be the 1st time that POTUS speaks to BOTH crowds in person – inside & outside.

If you come to the rally and don’t get into the BOK Center before it’s full, you can still see the President in person!


Radical protestors, fueled by a week of apocalyptic media coverage, interfered with @realDonaldTrump supporters at the rally.

They even blocked access to the metal detectors, preventing people from entering.

Thanks to the 1,000s who made it anyway!

That wasn’t a Tweet, that was a death rattle.

I wonder who DT’s new campaign manager will be? Probably one of the adult sons. It’s not like they’re pretending there’s a firewall between Trump the Presiduncy and Trump the Business Failure and they must hate having to wait to get their clammy paws on the campaign money.

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