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The world is a ghetto


Cases are growing by 2 to 4 percent daily, and more than 1,000 people have died each day for over a month. At least 15 children in New York were hospitalized with an illness scientists worry might be linked to Covid-19.

Trump administration officials are telling members of the coronavirus task force that the White House plans to wind down the operation. It is unclear whether any other group might replace it.

Mission accomplished apparently.

. . . Courtesy commenter dmsilev, the Idiot Princeling running the federal response to the pandemic has run into some serious EMAIL COMPLIANCE PROTOCOL PROBLEMS:

According to the WaPo, Jared’s task force isn’t working so well, largely because (surprise!) recruiting a bunch of McKinsey consultants and then expecting them to have actual expertise is an idea so stupid that only a Trump relative could expect it to work. Bonus but-her-emails:

The volunteers were told to preserve and share a copy of all of their official emails, to comply with the Federal Records Act, according to the volunteer and administration officials. But Libowitz said that “by using private email accounts, we have no assurances that their emails are being preserved. . . . This doesn’t prove anything nefarious is going on, but if something nefarious was going on, this is how they would do it.”

Laugh or cry I guess.

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