Never again is what you swore the time before
This was just published in one of the nation’s most prominent high brow news outlets:
Biden cannot go on the attack against Reade without seeming like a hypocrite. He needs the media—especially an outlet with the kind of credibility and authority that the Times has [ed: especially in regard to covering this kind of “scandal!”]—to do the work of exonerating him if he’s going to have any hope of leaving these allegations behind.
Here is the transcript of Biden’s interview with Brzezinski, including annotations. . .
Brzezinski: You were unequivocal in 2018 during the Kavanaugh controversy and hearings that women should be believed. You said this: “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights, the focus nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she is talking about is real. Whether or not she forgets the facts, whether or not it has been made worse or better over time.” [Reade is] going to be going on national television on Sunday. Tara Reade is coming forward in the glaring lights, to use your words—should we not start off with the presumption that the essence of what she’s talking about is real? She says you sexually assaulted her.
Biden: Look, from the beginning, I’ve said believing a woman means taking the woman’s claim seriously when she steps forward. And then vet it. Look into it. That’s true in this case as well. Women have a right to be heard, and the press should investigate claims they make. I will always uphold that principle. But in the end, in every case, the truth is what matters. In this case, the truth is: The claims are false.
Biden’s answer here is a little disingenuous: During the Kavanaugh hearings, he stated clearly a number of times that he believed Christine Blasey Ford’s account should essentially be treated as true. Biden said she “gave courageous, credible and powerful testimony,” according to the Associated Press. He told the Today show that she “should be given the benefit of the doubt,” in part because “it takes enormous courage for a woman to come forward, under the bright lights of millions of people watching, and relive something that happened to her.” And he told reporters that “for a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts.”
The writer (Emma Green) apparently thinks it makes sense to demand that Biden make the same evidentiary presumptions about the truth or falsity of purported facts of which he has the most direct first-hand knowledge possible as the presumptions he should make about the truth or falsity of purported facts regarding which he has no such knowledge!
Also too, Biden has been perfectly clear that it’s appropriate for the media to investigate Reade’s story, which doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for the media to be given carte blanche to rummage around in his private files (“oh look at this memo where he said something mean about Hillary’s health care plan” ad infinitum).
While the Bourbons obviously learned nothing at least they supposedly forgot nothing. Only the latter can be said of our elite media.