My chest is aching, burns like a furnace, the burning keeps me alive

I regret to announce you that American liberty is permanently dead:
“You should die, or perhaps get some permanent lung and kidney damage, because I can’t possibly be expected to wait 5 days for a Sur La Table order or — God forbid — have to suffer through the ultimate indignity of having to walk down one-way aisles in a department store.” That’s yer Republican Party in 2020 right there.
What’s particularly amazing about this pissbaby whining is that his state isn’t even locking down anymore; he can visit his local Macy’s, he just has to accept some minor inconveniences, and he still can’t handle it. It’s not exactly news that the whole conservative narrative about SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES who need TRIGGER WARNINGS and SAFE SPACES is pure projection, but this is really an extreme case. Sad, but also very bad news for those of us who put human life above your ability to walk around Bass Pro Shops without using hand sanitizer during a pandemic.