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Karl Rove’s Air Siren


Shorter verbatim Karl Rove:

Calling Obama’s commencement speeches “drive-by shootings” is to racist dog whsitles as KISS lyrics are to sexual innuendoes:

KISS: Love Gun (1977, Casablanca) Although it falls apart completely after the somewhat iconic, single-entendre title track gets its unsavory business out of the way, fans consider this to be the original lineup’s last “classic” album. But even without Peter Criss puppy-dogging earnestly after Bob Seger or Paul Stanley’s Crystals desecration, you can still hear the band beginning to fracture, resulting in a record far less of a piece than Rock and Roll Over. Compare Stanley’s side-openers (both Neanderthal chest-beaters in the classic KISS fashion) to Ace Frehley’s passé Foghat tribute, or to Simmons’ anachronistic, endearingly sleazy “Christine Sixteen,” which purveys the kind of tightly-wound retro-pop Cheap Trick themselves would abandon by decade’s end. For all of Simmons’ vaunted business savvy, Stanley — who would controversially commandeer a disco single on their next studio album — had a better grasp of the changing marketplace, which explains why he dominated them creatively (for lack of a better word) in the forthcoming decade: both “Love Gun” and “I Stole Your Love” point directly toward Bon Jovi and Poison, the future he and Simmons helped create but would struggle finding a place in. So given that legacy, you can appreciate why this last gasp might make some true believers get dewy-eyed. On the other hand, who needs nostalgia? As my friend Ali likes to rib every time I bring the title of this album up — “Get it? He’s talking about his cock.”

Donald Trump is a completely logical progression from Reagan and Bush, is what I’m saying. Only simple men can see the logic in whatever smarter men can whittle down till you can fit it on a sticker.

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