I needed money ’cause I had none

Your Republican party in 2020:
Now lawmakers are at odds over how much more stimulus is needed, and what form it should take.
Democratic senators, like Illinois’ Dick Durbin, have said they would support a second round of individual economic relief. “That money reaches people that aren’t reached with workers unemployment insurance, and small-business loans, so I would be open to that,” Durbin told The Hill.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats, has requested reoccurring $2,000 monthly payments until the pandemic subsides, with the blessing of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
But some balked. “Well people in hell want ice water too,” Louisiana Republican Sen. John Kennedy said. “I mean, everybody has an idea and a bill, usually to spend more money. It’s like a Labor Day mattress sale around here,” he added, according to The Hill.
Republicans argued instead for stimulating business and getting Americans back to work, despite the risk of additional casualties.
In case you’re wondering, Keta didn’t make this one up.