Why don’t Democrats share Mitch McConnell’s principled commitment to transparency and good government?
Say this for the reporters palpably desperate for EMAILS! 2.0, they’re apparently in a position to made to look ridiculous:
If only Mitch McConnell had a position of some authority, so we could see whether his stated belief that Donald Trump should be transparent and held accountable if he wasn’t was serious!
This is something we’ve been discussing since Trump was elected, but one of the most ridiculous of our many ridiculous discourses is the idea that Republican elites are opposed to Trump in any substantive way. Needless to say, Jacobin is getting in on this action:
“Sure, Trump confessed to it on a live mic and had many other accusers and Republican elites in fact did absolutely nothing about it and still give him their 100% full support but anyway I forget what my point was let’s hope Daddy Trump can own the libs in November!”— Scott Lemieux (@LemieuxLGM) April 30, 2020
Trump: [boasts about his propensity to committ sexual assault on tape]
Republican elites: “I couldn’t look my daughter in the eyes if…[Trump goes up two points in the polls] I didn’t vote to TRUMP THAT BITCH!” [Unequivocally support Trump through dozens of scandals that would be career-enders for any other president]
Very Serious Pundits: “Why can’t the Democrats hold their leaders accountable like Republicans do?”
You can’t make this stuff up. And I can’t decide whether pretending to be this much of a rube is better or worse than actually being one.