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Warren for Veep?


My general instinct was to say that the best place for Elizabeth Warren was leading the progressive wing of the Senate, but I’m beginning to find arguments like this more convincing. I can see a strong case for adding her to the ticket. (Remember that the only considerations should be substantive; VP picks have somewhere between little and no impact on election results and what minor impact they might have cannot meaningfully be assessed ex ante.) It would require two conditions:

  • Warren would need assurances that she would have substantial power over staffing/day-to-day supervision of the executive branch, a role in which she would be extremely valuable. Since presumably she wouldn’t accept the nomination without Biden agreeing, this is largely a problem that takes care of itself.
  • The Massachusetts legislature would have to pass a Wyoming-like law requiring a Senate vacancy to be filled from a list provided by the party of the senator being replaced. Giving Republicans an extra Senate seat for a short but crucial period is not acceptable.

Under those conditions, I’d be fine with Warren being the vice presidential nominee. I think she was the most promising presidential choice among major Dems, and logic would indicate that should put you at the top of the list for VP, especially when the top of the ticket is 130 years old.

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