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Today in Republican Governance


Finally, the fiscally responsible grownups are in charge:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency awarded a $55 million contract for N95s this month to Panthera Worldwide LLC, which is in the business of tactical training. One of its owners said last year that Panthera’s parent company had not had any employees since May 2018, according to sworn testimony.

It also has no history of manufacturing or procuring medical equipment, according to a review of records produced as a result of legal disputes involving the company and its affiliates.

Panthera Worldwide’s parent company filed for bankruptcy last fall, and the LLC is no longer recognized in Virginia — where it has its main office — following nonpayment of fees, which according to Virginia code results in “the existence of a limited liability company” being “automatically canceled.”

If only there had been a period of weeks when the Trump administration could have tried to secure critical equipment from companies that actually produce such equipment at non-extortionate rates.

At least Trump remains laser-focused on setting petty grievances aside to address a massive crisis:

President Trump has created a new bipartisan task force on reopening the economy. The committee is so huge — 32 House members, and an absurd 64 senators — that it can’t possibly do any real work, and seems to serve mainly as an honorific.

But the honor neglects one specific person: Mitt Romney. Trump extended invitations to the other 52 Senate Republicans, and to 12 Senate Democrats, but declined to invite the party’s 2012 presidential nominee. One possibility is that the former Bain Capital executive, Olympics chairman, and Massachusetts governor is less qualified to give advice about management and job creation than the other members of his caucus, and they only had room for 52 Senate Republicans on the letterhead.

The good news that it’s only 20 years until he next presidential election.

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