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Hot Takes! Get Your Fake Leftist Hot Takes Here!


These are heady times for idiots who pretend to be on the left but are actually just privileged and aggrieved white men who act like privileged and aggrieved white men so often act.

The gigantic majority of people who claim to be on the left are genuinely people who want to make the world a better place and think that class, gender, racial, and sexual equality are good things. You might criticize them for their actions or thinking sometimes, but their hearts are in the right place.

Then there is Michael Tracey. After Maxine Waters curbstomped his head, then stabbed him in the eye, then punctured his eardrums, and then cut his Achilles tendons with a butter knife while forcing amphetamines into his system so he wouldn’t pass out, he’s moved toward embracing fascism. He’s become a favorite on Tucker’s White Power Hour for instance. The problem is that he is stupid (must have been the Maxine-caused brain bleed). And so this is what you get from his take on why Bernie failed:

Why didn’t Bernie Sanders ever wear an American flag pin?

No, affixing a small piece of patriotic metal to his coat lapel would not have single-handedly solved all the manifold problems that ultimately doomed Sanders’ five-year campaign for the presidency.

But it was one of many cost-free gestures that he declined to make in service of presenting himself as a palatable nominee to “mainstream” Democratic voters.

A flag pin. He literally starts his argument with a flag pin. Is this Rush Limbaugh after 9/11? Evidently. It might as well be. It does not get better from there.

Contemporary “progressives” are very often infatuated with symbolic gestures as it relates to matters of personal identity: race, gender, sexual orientation and numerous other increasingly inscrutable demographic categories. For instance, expressing one’s “pronouns” is frequently a socially mandated rite of passage for entry into respectable “movement” circles. (Although to his credit, one of the few triumphs of the Sanders campaign was that he successfully fended off demands to clarify his pronouns, unlike several other candidates who made a great show of doing so, such as fellow “progressive” Elizabeth Warren. It always seemed rather doubtful that anyone was confused about whether Bernie Sanders identifies as a male.)

But for all their intense devotion to these highly specialized, ritualistic displays of self-promoting symbolism, left-wing journalists and activists also manage to be reflexively allergic to symbolic displays of patriotism. Such displays need not take the form of crass jingoism, or any other fevered right-wing caricature. Rather, it could entail merely embracing “America” as a notion that unites citizens around a common national purpose.

For so many contemporary “progressives” — who, again, comprised the intellectual and organizing firmament for the Sanders campaign — the mere prospect of developing a “socialistic” rhetoric that also conveys love of country is utterly anathema.

Ironically, the previous iteration of the Sanders campaign had at least to some extent recognized the potency of this political formula. One of their most well-received productions from the 2016 cycle was the so-called “America” ad, which featured the classic Simon & Garfunkel song overlaying a montage of Sanders happily traversing his way through quintessential American landscapes.

Today, though — after four years of radicalization and polarization under Donald Trump — an increasingly obstinate “progressive left” seems perpetually aghast if one even dares to suggest that the American Flag or other generically patriotic symbols are not inherently fascistic. (I can personally attest to this.) It wasn’t so much that Bernie himself changed, as the ferocity of the activist milieu that comprised his movement’s orbit.

Consequently, the Sanders campaign circa 2020 gave the impression of being less animated by good old-fashioned Americana than the Sanders campaign circa 2016. This time around, Sanders instead placed his emphasis on participating in the obligatory “anti-Trump” sweepstakes, whereby the Democratic candidates all competed amongst themselves for who could rattle off the most sweepingly inflammatory Trump-related tirades.

Tracey is totally going to vote for Donald Trump. If only this was Bernie Sanders!

There’s a good American for you!

Meanwhile, there is Mr. Matt Stoller, a true man of the people, son of a big time banking executive and brother of the director of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and the Muppets reboot. He has a thread full of hot takes about how Progressives need to act. Such as embrace the KING OF OUTFLANKING, Josh Hawley.

Which part of the Republican alliance are progressives supposed to embrace? The homophobia? Forcing women to give birth to unwanted children? Forcing poor brown people to return to work to restart the economy? Corporate welfare? Denying climate change? White supremacy?

What a progressive platform! But really, the truth is just that Stoller is a stupid person, a prime example of how the rich can stumble into prominence despite continued stupidity. I read the piece that he links in that tweet. It’s basically THE OUTFLANKENING 24: SPIDERMAN RUNS AS A POPULIST REPUBLICAN AND SAVES THE DAY FROM LAME ASS LIBERALS. He actually believes in the dishonest rhetoric of people like Hawley, plus he is a Sinophobe. In short, don’t go hunting for the mangoes on this one. It’s not worth the tiger.

I hope all these people just come out and vote for Trump so we can be rid of anyone ever taking them seriously ever.

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