Friday NatSec Roundup

The vice president, when he was a senator — a very new senator — voted against the aid package for South Vietnam, and that was part of the deal when we pulled out of South Vietnam to try and help them survive. He said that when the Shah fell in Iran in 1979 that that was a step forward for progress toward human rights in Iran. He opposed virtually every element of President Reagan’s defense build-up. He voted against the B-1, the B-2, the MX and so on. He voted against the first Gulf War. So on a number of these major issues, I just frankly, over a long period of time, felt that he had been wrong.
- This story of a civilian who accidentally ejected himself from a Rafale on takeoff isn’t new, but it is crazy.
- Good podcast from Arms Control Wonk on Joe Biden’s history with arms control and nukes.
- The world’s most advanced private air force…
- Should Captain Crozier be reinstated? The Navy is keeping the door open.
- This seems like an awfully bad idea: Team claims to have set a new Cannonball Record.
- There’s some very interesting new work available from Ellie Bartels on wargaming and simulation in national security decision-making.