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But you’re going to get used to and you’d better resign yourself


I had assumed that Brian Kemp was just working towards the Trump when he announced a ridiculously premature opening. But it’s even better than that: Trump and Pence specifically approved his plan in private before throwing him off Air Force One at 30,000 feet:

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence both called Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Tuesday night and expressed support and praise for the Republican’s move to reopen businesses in his state starting Friday, a source familiar with the call said. Trump later said the opposite — that he told Kemp he disagreed “strongly” with the decision.The call came as public health officials warned that Kemp is moving too quickly, some business owners said they would keep their doors closed and mayors said they feared Kemp’s action would deepen the coronavirus crisis in their communities. Trump and Pence complimented Kemp on his performance as Georgia governor, the source said. Another person familiar with the call said it went well.

LOL — you get what you deserve. The inevitable humiliation that awaits his most conspicuous lickspittles is the closest thing Trump has to a redeeming feature.

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