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The Grift Never Stops


Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was told that the coming COVID-19 pandemic was going to be extremely bad. To the public, he went along with the Trump party line that everything was just fine and to say otherwise was a media and Democrat Party hoax. In private…shall we say that different preferences were revealed:

Soon after he offered public assurances that the government was ready to battle the coronavirus, the powerful chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr, sold off a significant percentage of his stocks, unloading between $582,029 and $1.56 million of his holdings on Feb. 13 in 29 separate transactions.

As the head of the intelligence committee, Burr, a North Carolina Republican, has access to the government’s most highly classified information about threats to America’s security. His committee was receiving daily coronavirus briefings around this time, according to a Reuters story.

A week after Burr’s sales, the stock market began a sharp decline and has lost about 30% since.

On Thursday, Burr came under fire after NPR obtained a secret recording from Feb. 27, in which the lawmaker gave a VIP group at an exclusive social club a much more dire preview of the economic impact of the coronavirus than what he had told the public.

The son of a bitch belongs in prison, although of course he will be allow to carry on through his dishonest war profiteering like nothing happened.

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