Pete Is Out
The race loses another candidate who has a greater chance of surviving coronavirus than the top three candidates.
The Buttigieg campaign was heavily focused on the development and articulation of policy in a race where leading candidates have trouble articulating exactly what they mean and how they will pay for it – or if their method of payment is constitutional.
Buttigieg, despite his youth, was never really able to connect with young voters as much as a 78 year old senator from Vermont.
The path ahead for Pete is wide open; however, may be long. Success in his native Indiana is unlikely to occur any time soon; perhaps he’ll move somewhere where he has a shot as being governor. Such a strategy worked for HRC (which, I know, he is not).
Sadly, he gave up his post as mayor of South Bend.
VP also seems to be a long-shot.
His exit is somewhat surprising given the amount of money he spent in SuperTuesday states and every indication that he would compete.
The Party may be deciding. Klobuchar will stick around to fight Sanders off in Minnesota. Warren makes Sanders’ path more difficult, even if she loses Massachusetts. But they won’t have the money or organization to stick it out much longer absent a scandal or – well, I was going to say heart attack for Sanders and Biden, but that doesn’t seem to matter.
While I shed no tears for Steyer as an old billionaire who thought he could be president. But, I think, despite grievances with Buttigieg as a candidate, that we might reflect on the fact that a gay man has pledged delegates (for the time being) at the Democratic National Convention.