“Where’s my Black?”
During last night’s rally in South Carolina, the DOPUS took a break from rambling about the plot to make him look bad with coronavirus to share an anecdote about a meeting with African-American supporters. It is everything you’d expect.
“One of the things I asked ’em — and I’ve been thinking about this for a long time…’Do you like the name African American, or black?’ And they said ‘BLACK.’ All at the same time.”
And then they did a dance routine.
I doubt this exchange happened exactly as he claims because he’s the one claiming it. But I don’t doubt that he has been thinking about what he can call African-Americans for a long time, and if I were going to make a list of living presidents who are gross enough to ask a group of POC what they liked to be called, it’s him and Dubya. DT was likely disappointed that the supporters didn’t assure him that he could call them the n-word, as a treat.
Racists are obsessed with how people of color identify themselves. They hate the fact that we do it at all because it’s a sign of self-determination and independence from white judgement. But the obsession also gives them one more thing to whine about: I’ve lost track of the number of times a white person has complained to me about the way African-Americans change what they can be called and how hard it is to keep up. And I’m not even on the Naming Convention Committee!
It also allows interactions like the one described by DT. The white person can call the exchange being curious about other races, and the target can experience having to put up with a racist creep. And whatever answer the racist gets from any one person will synch up with the need to lump minorities into an agreeable and docile blob labeled Minority Friend.
At any rate, the anecdote is exactly what I’d expect from the Team DT which is trying to ramp up support by opening stores that sell Woke hoodies to African-Americans.
Staffers at the campaign centers will work to register voters, promote the president’s record and sell merchandise including hats, shirts and hoodies stamped with the word “woke,” according to the campaign.
In other words, apparel likely to get the wearer harassed or attacked by Republican voters. Win-win, I guess.