Keep your head and arms inside the Mixer at all times

Annals of the increasingly ridiculous:
The top official of the Democratic Party said on Thursday that he wants the Iowa Democratic Party to recanvass results of its caucus results following extensive delays in reporting results and inaccurate information being released.
Tom Perez, chair of the Democratic National Committee, made the request publicly on Twitter.
“Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass,” Perez tweeted.
Per the current count, which includes 97% of the vote, Buttigieg and Sanders each got 11 delegates out of Iowa, which if my math is right is approximately .00078% of the delegates each would need to get the nomination, which, it’s apparently necessary to remind people, is what all this is supposed to be about.
Oh but we need to know the “real winner” of the Iowa caucuses anyway, because otherwise Chris Cillizza and Chuck Todd won’t have enough fresh wank material between now and Tuesday, when everyone will have completely forgotten about this whole thing.
YOU DON’T GET ANY BONUS POINTS FOR “WINNING” A CAUCUS OR A PRIMARY. The only thing that counts is delegates. This is like stopping the Super Bowl three minutes into the first quarter because there’s a dispute about whether one team has 42 yards in total offense and the other has 41, or vice versa. IT DOESN’T MATTER.
Except of course to people who are neurotically obsessed with whether their candidate “won” something that is a completely fake metric of anything in any case (This isn’t a slam against any particular candidate or his supporters btw. It’s a criticism of this whole crazy process and especially the horse race nonsense in the media that feeds it.)